Clots days after d&c

Hayle • 5 yr old daughter. 1 👼🏼 1-23-19. Ttc baby #2.

So I had a d&c on Wednesday last week. My bleeding hasn’t been super heavy. It was light for a few days and not the past 2 it’s been a little heavier. More like a normal period so nothing crazy. I’ve been literally laying in bed relaxing since. Got up and made dinner and I started getting cramps. Took my ibuprofen and while laying in bed I felt a gush. Went to the bathroom and passed a clot maybe length wise the size of my palm? Not huge just long and bigger on top lol I know weird but is this normal? I wasn’t really told and I thought if I would clot it would’ve been right after the d&c. I’m not filling up the pad. My husband said she said she got everything so I wasn’t sure if it was normal to clot still days afterwards