How do you distract yourself?

Amy • TTC Baby #2 after ectopic pregnancy

What do you do to keep your mind off the waiting game? Also, how do you keep yourself from doing a pregnancy test too much during your waiting window?

I’m currently 15 DPO and AF is one day late. BFN this morning and a couple days ago. I don’t want to get caught up in testing every day (or multiple times a day) because it’s already taking a toll on me. I have anxiety so it’s so easy to let myself go off the deep end and I know that’s the opposite of what I’m supposed to be doing. NO STRESS “they” say! 😬

I’m pretty new to this as it’s only my 2nd cycle TTC. I did yoga and exercise tonight. I also tried the meditation on this app. Definitely helped for a short while! 😂 Looking for other suggestions!

I work full time so it’s easy not to worry too much while I’m there but it’s still all I’m thinking about! TIA! ♥️