Breastfeeding but considering baby #3!

So my oldest son is 26 months and my youngest is 4 months (today actually ☺)

We are thinking about getting in August and having a May baby. (We have 2 fall babies and we donr want another baby born in the same time frame lol. Hard during the holidays lol)

Ive been breastfeeding my youngest since he was born and i got my period about 4 to 6 weeks after birth. Got an IUD put in 8 weeks PP and it came out 6 weeks later. I was having awful side effects from it so i probablybwont get it replaced.

My question is can we get pregnant with me breastfeeding? And will we have to wean before getting pregnant or during pregnancy????

And could I be crazy for wanting my kids so close in age lol? My oldest two are about 22 months apart in age and its nice but i sort of we they had been a little closer in age. If we were to have a baby in May of 2020 then our oldest would be 3 and a half years old and our youngest would be a year and 8 months old.