I have a weird body

smc • 💙💙🕊🌈

So, I got checked today. I’m 37+6, and my baby’s head is really low. My cervix is closed, but my doctor is really “confused” on how to go about my labor.

My cervix is right behind his head, near the back of his neck when the cervix is normally supposed to be on top of his head.

He doesn’t know how the cervix is gonna open around his head, due to how far back it is.. the head pushing on the cervix is what usually gets you opening or whatever😆..

I had a choice to have an elective c-section, or try it vaginally. He doesn’t really want to give me a c-section because of my age (I’m 20) he’s worried about if I’ll want more kids in the future. So, we’re gonna attempt to induce my labor on Friday @ 7am with cervadil. If that doesn’t make my cervix move to the top of his head and open, I have to have a c-section on Saturday.