So much stress 😩

Amy • Mom to 4 beautiful girls. 3/3/10, 4/27/14, 4/8/17, 3/7/19.

So last week the starter went out in my husbands truck, sucks but just waiting on the piece ($40) and time for him to get it done. Yesterday the lock on my driver side door wouldn’t unlock, common problem for my lock to freeze open, not shut, but whatever. Hubby took apart the door to try and figure it out turns out this time the lock just broke. So now my door won’t stay closed no matter what and the only place that has the part is an hour a way and 75 bucks. So we currently have no working vehicles 😪 I know that doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but my husband is in construction so the winter months are tight on us financially and being 34 weeks I have dr appts every week whether it’s PT, counseling or regular appointments. My kids have wrestling practice 2 times a week too. Hubby gets frustrated when I say I’m overwhelmed by it cause he’s doing his best to fix it all. I’m not upset with him I just hate the situation. 😔