Unemployed and possibly pregnant


Well honestly i am not sure why i am writing this post i just kinda want to vent. I got married to my boyfriend of 7 years last august and we started trying to have a baby. He works for home depot and i work for a small business. I made more than him but i didnt have health insurance (will need it for the baby) so i persued other companies to work for. I found a job and was there for 4 months until i was let go. Job was ridiculous high stress for a shitty company to say the least. I hated it but i got up every morning and reminded myself i am doing it for my future children. Anyways i was let go and a whole array of feelings and insecurities started flowing thru me. Here i tought i was a good worker, i could get anywhere if i worked hard but no this company really shattered my dreams. Ive been looking for a job and my husband has been super supportive. I got a job offer far and with much lower pay than the job i had. Ive always made more than my husband so i handle most of the finances. He wants me to be happy and he says he is ready to step it up. To make things worst i am 10 days late and still waiting. (I took a negative pt, waiting to take another one) i am obviously super sensitive and pretty sure pregnant. I dont know what we are going to do if i am pregnant. I feel like a failure.