Names that start with....

Chelsea • Mommy to 2 girls, ages 4years and 1year and due with #3 in March 2019 💕👧🏼👶🏼 💖 Engaged 💍 Owner of a 1990 Mustang GT #foxbodymustangaddict

Can someone give me more baby name ideas ? I’m due pretty soon and we were set on Remi until we found out someone in my fiancé’s family that they don’t talk to named their daughter that as well and it just irks me so we agreed on Remington but I’m having second thoughts as I don’t think I’m that huge of a fan of it anymore. Either way we will more than likely call her Remi.

What other names besides Remi and Remington are nice and start with Remi and could have the nickname Remi ? I’ve come to a blank.