Glow has been such a big part of my pregnancy

Glow has been such a big part of my pregnancy. I used this app to help me get through the tough times by reaching out to other mommies going through or have gone through similar situations. I learned a lot and shared a lot. I finally became a mommy to baby Easton Anthony weighing at a wrapping 8 lbs and 20 1/2 in long. It was a long painful 20 hours of labor. The whole experience seems surreal looking back on it. We ended up in a c-section due to his head being behind the lip of my cervix. I was actually relieved to get a c-section seeing as I was so tired and ready to meet my son. He was worth every minute of the pain just like they say they are. My c/section recovery is going so much better then I ever thought and starting to see my body going back to normal.