being a stepparent...

Emma • 28. PCOS. 🇨🇦

this is what I deal with. I received this text from my daughters bio-grandma (bio-moms mom) back in December. I had just told her that we wouldn’t be in the area where she lives over the holidays, meaning she wouldn’t be able to possibly have a visit with her grandchild (which is where the “that’s unfortunate” text came from).

(Isley is my stepdaughter. the other I name I blurred is Isley’s older sister (same mom but different dad). Cody is my SO and Isley’s dad. the M name I blurred is bio-mom.)

I find it laughable that she thinks I don’t have a say in Isley’s life.

Considering me and her dad are her primary (and actually only) caregivers. Cody has full custody of her. Isley lives full time with us. Bio-mom hasn’t seen or spoken to her in over a year, and she even is allowed to have supervised visits with her according to the court order, she just has to talk to Cody about it.

Bio-grandma says the girls aren’t “tug toys” or “property”.... yet she is the one who is always tugging the older sister back and forth from her foster family (who is adopting her, and lives nearby to bio-grandma which is why she sees her still).

Bio-grandma took over a year to contact us about potentially seeing Isley, so she also is just like bio-mom... hasn’t seen or spoken to her grandchild in over a year.

But she says they care so much for her and want to be able to see her too.... BUT TOOK OVER A YEAR to try contacting us. Yeah.... that shows just how much you really care... 🙄

Bio-grandma is the one who wanted MY number to talk. She asked foster mom to ask me if I’d let her have it. I was being the nice person and said yes, that foster mom could give it to her.

THIS is what I get for being the nice person and not ever saying a rude word to her in the couple of times we talked before she sent this message.

I can’t wait for the older sister to finish being adopted so she can stop being dragged back and forth. And I can’t wait for my SO to file to make sure bio-mom can’t do anything over Isley.

rant done 🤷🏻‍♀️