Still pregnant but I give up

I am so sad all the time because I can’t hold any food down and right after I always cry. Sometimes my boyfriend is sweet about it but I threw up two times back to back and sat on his lap and started crying and told me “ You’re pretty much proving everyone who ever said you weren’t ready for a baby right by crying”

And I laid in bed and went under the covers and now I’m crying even harder writing this.

He just dosnt understand. I AM ALWAYS hungry!

I can’t eat much cause it all comes up, my stomach is sore, my throat hurts, I’m emotionally numb. I threw up 6 times in one day and it only got worse. I’m 12 weeks and I just can’t do this any more, I can’t keep throwing up anymore. Please I’m begging anyone to please give me words of encouragement, tell me some home food remedies that helped you with nausea. I was taking b6 and unisom but ran out. I don’t know how to stop my stomach from hurting, always cramping in my upper abs, I’m 100% I’ve lost weight instead of gained but we don’t have a scale. I feel so helpless. I’m trying to be strong but it’s so hard!

Update!!** Thank you ALL for your very nice and encouraging words. I will try all of the remidies you all offered and as of my hubby, I think he’s just tired and upset seeing me like this and not being able to do anything other than rub my back or hold my hand while I throw up and cry and watch the pain leave my face. If I can’t continue to keep anything down (some days are worse than others) we will be going to the ER. Not today bc it’s -23 F out but we will go when it warms up a bit