40wks vs 22wks 😳😂😩


40wks and SO ready to meet my babygirl! (First child) Funny how I thought I had a bump in the 22wk photo 😂 I’ve gained over 60lbs with this pregnancy but don’t let the photo fool you, my double chin is hiding behind the phone, you can kinda tell by my sausage fingers but I’m SO swollen and just ready for her to exit my body. 😅 Hoping to drop the weight with breast feeding and exercise come spring/summer. Just going to rest and heal for these few winter months we have left, no pressure though!

Any guesses when this stinker might make her debut?! My mom thinks 02/02 and I’m guessing anytime in February, whether that’s this weekend or next week, I don’t want to get my hopes up but I’m literally going stir crazy with anticipation. 😬