This is stupid but I can’t help it

I have a low self esteem. ever since I started to gain weight. I have a very handsome fiancé, and I get really hard on myself when he shows me the girls he looks at on Instagram and stuff . It’s not a jealously type feel its anger towards myself and I’m just like why does he even like me when he sees all these girls who can take these gorgeous photos and I just cry when I try to take a photo anymore.

He my best friend but sometimes I feel as if I’m not good enough for him. That he deserves these girls who are gorgeous, have an amazing body and a strong mind. Lately he’s seen me go through depression and mentally I’m not as strong as I use to be. But do I want him to leave? No. I just wish I could make him proud. I’m trying to loose weight but it just doesn’t help when he shows me pictures of these girls on his Instagram that is already at the goal I’m trying to achieve.

Update; he knew it upset me so he told me to roll over and face him and told me I was beautiful and he was proud of everything I do. And that helped. He told me to dry my tears and dust all the bad off and get up smiling.

This is why he’s my best friend to. ❤️