
How do you momma's keep your house clean alone? I live In a house of 5 and no one helps. I do live with my mom because well I'm young and it's by force (I can afford to be on my own but I'm not allowed she uses my age against me but I been with my bf since 13 all the sudden she wants me back) but im expected to do everything by myself while pregnant... Her guy who lives here literally throws his clothes in the floor instead of in the hamper that's 2 feet away and leaves beer bottles everywhere so I gotta bend over and pick it up while my back hurts and 33 weeks pregnant. I worked my ass off deep cleaning the whole bathroom (containing: my moms bloody under wear, toys, ect). And cleaned the sink witch someone shaved and left hair and the toilet was a mess. My mom came home and didnt even thank me she bitched 🙁 she got mad the living room wasnt clean. And she even said something about the bathroom I worked my ass off doing. I also cleaned the kitchen wiped down all the counters and stove and done 4 loads of laundry and watched a toddler and in training puppy between 9am-1pm. It really hurts my feelings nobody appreciates what I do😞 ig I'm used to my boyfriend helping me and always showing his appreciation. I wish my mom would just leave me alone and let me live with him. His mom even talked to her about moving with them and she just refused. Now I'm Cinderella.

Edit: in my state your not a legal adult till 19. You can't get emancipated till 18 and can't get married without both sides parents consent. So I'm pretty much stuck for the next 2 years.