EBF mom going back to waitressing job.


I’m an exclusively breast feeding mom going back to work 2 months ppd. I am worried about my supply as I won’t be able to pump during my shifts. I know it’s a law but the restaurant I work at doesn’t employ more than 50 people so it doesn’t need to be enforced. Plus if I take 20 min to pump I’m losing money, and also sometimes I am the only server there. So taking a break isn’t really an option. I’m just wondering if I pump 2 times throughout the day in between breastfeeding will that help keep my supply up for the 5-6 hour shifts that I won’t be able to pump? Looking for advice as I definitely do not want to stop breastfeeding. (Pic of my little for attention)

Would pumping my opposite breast while feeding help keep supply?

Or pumping a few times in between feeding throughout the day before my shifts? (Since it would be like not missing a feeding just having 5 hr in between)