Just turned off completely


My partner and I have been together for 5 years. He’s played WoW since he was a teenager (he’s 35 now) he would from time to time stop playing to, you know, finish college and such but now it is all he does on the side.

He used to work out.. he was a beast and now he goes to school (law) comes home and no longer works out, no longer eats clean, just plays games and eats crap all night till bed.

It has completely turned me off. We are very active people so it’s weird for me to see him this way. He would spend from 6 am to 9 pm gaming on his PC with breaks for eating and school or whatever but sit his ass back down to play. I finally said something and then one fine day our son broke his PC. He saw it as a sign and instead of fixing the computer he put it away. . .

About two weeks later he started playing something similar to WoW on his chrome book. 🤦🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️ I totally get he needs to tune out the world sometimes and just relax but last semester he didn’t do so well on his schooling. I hardly see him studying. He’s supposed to be buckling down and he’s not.

He gets mad that I don’t initiate sex or fooling around more but I am honestly just so turned off. We went from having sex daily to once a fucking week bc I just am not turned on by what is going on or i literally don’t want to sit around for him to try and kiss me after he just ate a bunch of junk.. I will add that he has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom with a upset tummy so no way in hell I want to go down on him and smell what’s been going on all day. I e said he needs a shower and gets so butt hurt. I know I sound like a total fucking bitch but I’m completely at a loss.

What the fuck!