
My boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half. Every 3 -6 months we go thru up and down cycles. We are good for 3 month. Bad off and on for 3 months. In the beginning he “ won “ me over by saying he wanted to take care of me while I finished school and that I didn’t have to work if I didn’t want to. .

Every 3-6 months , I get pregnant by him but have early miscarriages. Which is also part of the reason I stop working also , along with him suggesting I quit working and just stay home again.

I’ve been told I’m above average looking and I’m about a 8.5-9 as far as looks. Ever since I’ve been with him , I’ve gained about 60 lbs. I have never let myself go like this till I met him. He’s a very skinny , frail framed guy who’s about a 5.5-6 as far as looks go.

Fast forward, circumstances changed and he began to struggle financially. While he does the best he can to “ provide “ for us .. we still struggle. So every 3 months I get a job and work and pitch in with bills when we get behind. Then once I’m doing good and we are ahead financially or he notices I’m becoming successful.. he talks me into resorting back to me staying home and sayin “ he’s got it and we will be fine blah blah”. Then when we get behind on bills 2,3 months later he’s calling me lazy and basically saying I don’t push myself enough , I’m not number one like he is, I’m not on his level. He mentions that I “ better not get it twisted , I want u I don’t need you. Nobody else will ever treat u how I do”. Every 3 months saying I’m soft skinned. Saying I have no car without him, saying I have nothin without him. Sayin if I don’t like what he has to offer that I can walk out the door and he will move some other bitch in to enjoy “ all he’s proved me with”. 80% of the time he treats me well when I do see him. He’s a workaholic who works 60-70 hrs a week. I only see him at night everyday. We live together. He’s attentive and loving most the time but has a bad temper and I’m sick and tired of this cycle.

I’m 24. Hes 31.