My mother

I don’t know if this is the right place to put this but hey. Just need to vent. Me and my mother used to have the best relationship... that’s until she started dating, she would forget I exist when her boyfriends came around. Plus I was the only child at the time. Now years later she had another child and I also had my own child and is pregnant with my second. Me and my moms relationship is very ROCKY. She is with this guy and during my first pregnancy he almost got me arrested, he turned my mom against me, she starved me, abused me, and always called the cops on me. Deep down inside my heart I feel my mom is jealous of me. Not financially jealous of course. But jealous for 2 reasons. 1. That I’m about to get pregnant easily, not easy but it’s not difficult, and she wants to have a baby with her boyfriend. Why? I don’t know. She can barely take care of the 2 she has. So whenever I’m pregnant her jealousy shows. 2. My younger sister has autism and my daughter does not. Mind you I’m a first time mom, so when my daughter does and says new things I’m excited and tell her. She told me she doesn’t want to hear it because her child isn’t able to do that. 😑 but when my sister says a new word she’s so excited and want to tell me. I started giving her the same replies she gives me... “‘oh okay”. And she doesn’t like it. She doesn’t treat my daughter like her grandchild, she’s always kicking my daughter out of her room, she lets my sister hit my daughter and her excuse is “ she doesn’t under “ when my daughter hits my sister it’s “ get her, why are you letting her hit her “. She always wants my daughter to share her things with my sis but doesn’t want my sister to share with my daughter. My sister pulls my daughter long hair “‘oh she doesn’t understand “ moral of the story is I feel my mom is jealous of me and my daughter and it’s sad that I feel this way but I’m starting to notice it more and more.

LONG VENT SESSION I KNOW! I’m sorry, I just needed to get this out.