Pregnancy Confusion!!!

Hello ladies... This may be a little long but I just want to vent, I’m sure I will get a few people judging me... it’s quite expected on here, especially since I’m telling my business lol..

So I met this guy and things between him were great for the first few you ever talk to someone n it’s like you’ve known each other for years. Yeah that’s how I felt n we clicked soo good. Long story short we had sex...More then 6 times unprotected!! Yeah...dumb move! The idea of having a child came into play.. more sex happened. We got together broke up... ALOT of hurtful things were said by him. I laughed them off bc I refuse to show I’m hurt! He told me he wish he never met me n he hopes I’m not pregnant.. I should find out if I am or not in the next few days.. I’m sooo AGAINST abortions. I can’t see myself giving my child up. I just confused as shit!! I’m probably stressing myself out now. I was fine until earlier today. This wait is annoying... I’ve been feeling off n having mild cramping on & off today.

Don’t be so harsh... any feedback is cool, I just felt comfortable venting here vs telling a family member or my best friend.