Don’t know what to do, one or two?


We had our perfect baby girl on Sept 17, 2018. We had our mind set on just having one baby but now contemplate another. I come from being an only child but my husband has a sister. I never missed having a sibling or anything and he isn’t close with his sister. So it’s not a “we want our baby to have a sibling” thing.

Idk it’s just missing having a newborn or what yet. I can’t imagine loving another as much as I love her. But part of me wants another. Even though our first pregnancy went perfect I’m worried the second won’t or it will take long to conceive. Can perfection happen twice? I was so scared the first time and it was all fine. I am turning 30 this year and would rather try for another within the next year or so if we decided to. We were thinking about maybe about our baby’s first birthday. But again this is all new cause we were convinced to have just one.

Anyway, I got the Mirena put in December. So painful. And I wish I hadn’t. Just so I have the freedom to decide if we really want to try to have another baby or not. I know I can just go get it removed but stopping a pill and making a doctors appointment that could take months is quite different. Im fine taking birth control pills and I did religiously for years. I felt talked into the Mirena by my doctor. I have an appointment for string check for Mirena in March (it’s been rescheduled twice; once by me and once by doctor) and was a thinking maybe I should just get it out?

Have you moms gone through this thinking? I know my husband and I are the only ones who can truly decide and I sort of needed to just talk this all out. But I’d like to hear thoughts without judgement.