Feeling Misunderstood


I am 35.3 weeks into this pregnancy. I went to the Dr last week because of the pain, pressure, and contractions. I am 1cm and yes I know this could last a few weeks, but I am scheduled for a cesarean on the 26th. I have never felt so defeated. I find myself praying constantly for strength. At 40 I am grateful to have come this far with no complications other than the norm. I feel that my wife downplay these feelings of pain, pressure, and discomfort. Maybe I’m just being extra sensitive so I stop complaining, so of course I now feel I’m doing this all alone

I’m soooo over being pregnant and freaking emotional. This site has truly been a blessing!!! I try staying on track remembering the light at the end of the tunnel, Holding my Sweet Princess

34weeks and 4days

In the meantime I know I’ll get through this because again, I know I’m blessed!!

My boys 21 and 17

My wife in Grey, Baby’s Godmother In Blue

Thanks Ladies for Listening!!! 😘😘