Adopting a drug affected baby..

Has anybody adopted or worked closely with a drug affected baby/child? We’re there any developmental delays and if so, how did they present themself?

We just had our foster son placed with us last week and have every intention of adopting him- it’s a kinship case so it’s a little different than regular foster care. Anyways, while in utero he experienced quite a few hurdles. His mother was using meth, heroin, alcohol, marijuana and tobacco. He was born full term weighing 5lb3oz due to being diagnosed with IUGR. Due to birthing complications, he had to be resuscitated. Needless to say, he had a very rough start to life.

At a year old, it’s clear that he’s delayed in certain ways. Because of this, I intend to enroll him in early intervention and work with him so that he can be successful in everything he does. But as a mother, I of course worry about the challenges he could face in life so I guess this post is my way of looking for reassurance. I love him to pieces and want to give him the best life ever but I fear that I am not good enough for him ❤️😭