Do you know how to cook rice? Any kind..

I suck at rice! Can never make it perfect or good enough ! -.-

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Posted at
Get a rice cooker. Comes out perfect every time.


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1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water is how I make it always comes out good, sometimes I add a teaspoon of turmeric to it and itā€™s so yummy


Jacqueline ā€¢ Feb 4, 2019
My mom taught me to make it that way too! Only way I learned to make it good because I sucked before she told me this !! Heh .


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I cook it like pasta. Fuck the police.


Zubaida ā€¢ Feb 5, 2019
Apparently its the healthy way as it rids the rice of its starch according to my mother in law(never really researched itšŸ˜…)


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Hmm hereā€™s what I grew up with (Iā€™m Asian and was taught to do it this way since I was a kid). For starters though Iā€™ll definitely recommend you to get a rice cooker, itā€™ll be your bff when it comes to cooking rice. Iā€™d recommend Jasmine rice, it smells good and cooks nicely. Scoop uncooked rice into the pot, wash with water once and pour out some until thereā€™s water just a little above the rice line. Before this part>, make sure the top layer of the rice is fairly flat and evened out, dip your middle finger all the way into the rice until you feel the bottom of the pot with just the tip of your finger. Hold it there and with the tip of your thumb ā€œmarkā€ where the top surface of the rice is on your middle finger. Hold this and from there take your middle finger out then place it at the top surface of the rice. Keep it there and start pouring more water into the pot. Stop when the water reaches where the tip of your thumb is. This method takes some practice but once you get the hang of it youā€™ll be glad you took the time to learn it lol. My instructions might be a bit confusing but for photo or video reference you can simply try googleing cooking rice finger trick. Good luck :)


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Buy boil in the bag. That's the only way I can cook brown rice.


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Rice cooker. Iā€™m asian and we only use as rice cooker.


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Google Persian rice and make it that way. It is the best rice lol


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Rice cooker, $20, cooks that crap perfectly almost no effort from you.


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I could never make it right on the stove. I got a pressure cooker and it cooks rice perfect every time.


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Lol it always turns out either really good or really bad there's no in between for me and its mostly because I tend to be impatient