Just looking to vent


I really thought this month was it..I usually get my period 12 days after I ovulate and today would be 12dpo but I got a big fat negative with a first response early results. I had some symptoms early on that could have been period or pregnancy symptoms but they completely went away. The sore nipples are beginning to come back though. I've had alot of wet with a little white discharge in my underwear, not sure if anyone knows what this means. I have taken a cycle of provera because I was having issues with bleeding twice a month and had one cycle last 42 days but since the provera I have been spot on. This is also my 2nd cycle on clomid. I more so just needed to vent, I literally feel like there is a hole in my chest. I can't breathe I've spent the last hour crying. I just feel like I can't handle this anymore. I can't afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, it's not fair. Why should we have to pay so freaking much to have a baby? I dont know what to do anymore..