What I’m grateful for


DH and I have been TTC #1 for almost a year. On our fifth cycle we got our first BFP that ended in a missed miscarriage we learned about at our 9 week ultrasound. Our first month trying again which was after just one cycle (my period came in 30 days, right on schedule) we had another BFP, that time a chemical. Since then all BFN. It’s been rough, but every month I am so grateful for my body that just keeps doing what it’s supposed to do! My period is regular, I get unmistakeable fertile CM in the middle of each cycle, and clear temp spikes after CD 16. Today is CD 12 and that ewcm stuff is back and we are ready to try again! Things haven’t gone exactly as I’d hoped but I know some women don’t ovulate regularly and I cannot imagine how hard that must be—and if it’s you reader, I’m praying for you! And otherwise I just came on here to say thank you to my body! I trust you to bring me a healthy baby soon. What is everyone else grateful for?