Panicking. Line progression

Theresa • Mommy of 3, two heavenly babies and pregnant with our ❤️💛💚💙💜

I have had two chemicals. One in dec, one in Jan.

I am pregnant again. I'm super shocked and wasn't expecting it at all. But I'm panicking about line progression. These line are way way darker than the first two pregnancies.

It just is really scary. I'm taking progesterone. Have been since 3dpo.

This pic is accumed tests. Starting 9dpo to today 12dpo (bottom is this morning!)

These are Pregmate

10-12 dpo

Bottom this a. M.

I am worried because to my eye they don't see darker.

Thoughts? I know I shouldn't test. It just makes me feel alittle more in control I guess.

I had blood work Thursday which is 9dpo. 8hcg at that point. Going Monday for blood work again.