Pregnancy pet peeve


So this is my first pregnancy, I’m 14 weeks, and me and my partner are sooooo excited!

I’m feeling great at the moment, and I’m really excited, but every damn time someone asks me how I’m feeling and I respond positively, there’s always an annoying answer.

“It won’t last”

“Just wait, you’ll feel like crap soon enough”

“Just wait until your back hurts”

“Enjoy your mornings in bed whilst you still can”

“They suck the life out of you”

“It’s all fun and games now, but just wait till their here”

“You have no idea what it’ll be like”

“Hope you’re ready for the chaos”


I’m not naive, I know a baby isn’t a walk in the park, but I’m also very excited and ready for the middle of the night wake up calls, the explosive poop, the crying, the feeding, everything, I’m ready and have been ready! So just let me be happy!!!!

Anyone else having this issue? Or is it just my hormones making me agitated 😂😂 xxx