Diaper recommendations


So I’ve always used pamper swaddlers for my son he’s 2. Ive had no problems with them at all. I’ve just recently switched him to pampers cruisers though since you get a little more in the box and he’s on the go and I’ve heard they move good with busy bodies. His sister is 3 1/2 months old and have used pampers swaddlers since she’s been born. She’s in size 2 and I’ve just started having a problem with her peeing out the back of the diaper even when she’s not super full (like she gets at night since she sleeps through the night). She’s starting to soak her clothes I put her diaper on snug too. Her diapers aren’t too big or too small, she fits just right in the size. Has anyone else had this problem? I loved pampers swaddlers and now not so much. Any brands you guys swear by and LOVE?