

I’m having a baby shower because

1) I’ve never had a party about me before (I’ve never had a birthday party)

2) I’ve worked hard as heck to get where I’m at in life all thanks to my son

3) I want the memories

4) I want to celebrate his life with everyone close to me

5) I haven’t hung out with anyone my age outside of work since October and I go to online school so I don’t interact with people ever.

But none of my friends are coming because there parents “don’t support teen pregnancy” like what does that even mean? I’m already pregnant and it was a accident, I’m not telling my friends to get pregnant (I’m actually telling them to get on birth control and don’t risk it) and all I wanted was one day that could be centered around my son and me (I know that’s selfish). Thankfully my cousins are coming and my aunts but I just wanted everyone I’m close to to come. It really sucks