WTF Cycle changes

Devan • ❤Addileigh 10.30.12 ❤ 💔miscarriage 6.6.17& 5.3.18 💔

MY CYCLE IS GOING TO DRIVE ME CRAZY!!! So, I'm typically on a 27/28 day cycle with my period lasting 5 days. Pretty consistent since my first miscarriage in 2017, may 2018 I had a d&c due to a missed miscarriage, after all of the bleeding from that settled out. I went back to my normal cycle lengths and all, except for the fact I wasn't ovulating at all. Well fast forward to December, I finally start ovulating again. Over the moon for that to finally happen on it's own. So January comes, I'm feeling off all month. Start testing a few days before AF is due. BFN. So I finally start AF on day 30. I think, okay well maybe next month. Well I ovulated like 2-3 days before AF was due this cycle. I'm on day 31. 3 days late and having more cm than I ever have before I start my period. It's honestly starting to piss me off. I dont want to test and end up being let down yet again. Please tell me this is happening to someone else.