The feelings are unbearable 😓

Hannah • Mommy to Sophia. Wife. Mental Health Advocate. 💜

Hey moms,

I have a 5 month old beautiful baby girl. For the past 5 months I have been struggling immensely with mental health, recently diagnosed with OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder) alongside my anxiety and depression. OCPD is a disorder that is generalized by being obsessive over perfection, cleanliness, and organization to the extent that it gets extremely overwhelming when I feel like I haven’t been “perfect” today. I make lists upon lists and it consumes me. I’m taking medication, seeing a therapist every single week, taking vitamins, journaling and practicing meditation and mindfulness. I feel like I’m doing EVERYTHING I can but I’m still SO overwhelmed by so many thoughts. I keep finding myself asking why won’t it go away? I’m doing everything in my power to be the best mom and the best wife, but somehow still feeling defeated. I’m so tired of constantly worrying about everything despite my BEST efforts. I feel like a horrible mother because I’m not mentally stable and am always calling my husband at work for extra support 😓

I’ve never posted on here before and I’m not entirely sure why I felt the need to or what I am looking to get out of posting this, but I just had to get it out and maybe hear some mental health success stories or good vibes 🙏🏼😔