Just 34 days...

Chesh • Mummy to Theodore and Daniel

Can this be over now? Everyone keeps asking me if I'm impatient, scared, nervous, excited. No one actually bothers asking how I am. And truth be told, I'm not doing so good. I constantly feel sick, to the point where if I roll over at night it wakes me up because I think I'm going to throw up everywhere. My hips feel like they're going to break at any moment. No matter which side I lay on, it makes my heartbeat irregular and I can feel it in my throat. No matter how many pillows I use to support myself, my back still hurts. I'm still having to do housework, and the cooking, and looking after a toddler.

So no, I'm not impatient, or scared, or nervous, or excited. I'm just done. There is literally no other way to explain it. I'm just... Done... 34 days until due date, but I don't think I'll make it that far.