Labor contractions not normal


So this is baby number 4. With #1 I had nausea that was timeable, same with #2 along with diarrhea, #3 I had bloody show and they almost sent me home because I wasn't having contractions until I walked for 20 min. None of my "contractions" have been normal. No tightening of the stomach or anything "normal" just flu like symptoms that we're timeable or the bleeding. Has anyone else ever had this happen before? I'm so nervous this time around that I won't know when to go in. The last time if I didn't bleed I wouldn't have gone in and they almost sent me home and she was born within the next two hours. I live 30 min from hospital so I can't imagine what would have happened if I would have gone home. This time I've been in a few times including preterm labor at 34 weeks they stopped (I went in with what I thought were BH at 10 minutes apart) just in case. By the time I got there and got hooked up they were 5 min apart. I'm freaking out!!! I don't wanna wait too long and miss pain meds (did without once and never again!) or worse have him at home or in the car!