I don’t know what to do


A couple of weeks ago my little brother told me that he didn’t feel comfortable around my little sister’s boyfriend and I kind of got that feeling whenever he’d come over. But he told me why and I was so shocked and angry. My parents are very strict so when my sister wants to see her boyfriend he has be in the living room downstairs with my sister. They can’t go in her room. Every once in a while she tells me and my brother to check up on them and for the past couple of months I’ve been working every night, so my brother would have to check up on them. So apparently there have been multiple occasions where he would see my sister’s boyfriend eating her out. My brother is 12 years old. I think that’s so fucked up to let your boyfriend eat your ass on the couch in a very public room where your little brother has walked in on you. To top that, they tell my brother that if they buy him stuff then he can’t tell my parents. So they buy him food all the time. He still doesn’t feel comfortable when they are together. I’ve never told them that I know. And today I don’t need to. Today we went out to buy stuff for our trip to Mexico and the entire day I didn’t talk or even look at him. And then him and my sister went to the basement to watch a movie. The door to my room and the laundry room are right next to each other and are both in the living room. I was constantly going up and down the stairs cause I kept on forgetting to get something upstairs. While I was up there my mom reminded me to wash my clothes so I went downstairs. And guess what?? I saw my LITTLE SISTER with BOTH of her underwear and pants down standing right in front of him and when they saw me their face turned white and she pulled up her pants and I told him to leave and went inside the laundry room. I opened the door again and they were just sitting there and I told him I was fucking serious and that he should get the fuck out before I beat his ass. So he got up and left and made some bullshit excuse to my parents. My sister also got up and went into her room. I was surprised I was calm and I’m glad I was cause if I went on full attack mode then my parents would hear and find out and my dad would beat the living shit out of both of them.


I was giving my sister attitude and my parents asked me why. They also asked why I didn’t like her boyfriend and pretended like he didn’t exist. And all I said was that they should ask them. And they asked why if I can just tell them right there and then. So I told them that it’s not secret, it’s theirs. At night my mom went into my sister’s room to ask what was going on. And I guess she sugar coated what happened. Before she went to school this morning my dad asked her why I was so upset and she told her that it was because I actually wanted to keep the insurance check that I got from this one accident. And that she told me that dad was paying for the insurance and that’s why he was getting it. Which is not true, her boyfriend said that and was talking shit about me while she just sat there doing nothing. So before I went to work this morning he asked me what happened. He knew what she was saying was complete bull. He kept pressing me about it so I craved in. I sent my mom and my sister a text message warning them. And my mom blew up my phone and I didn’t answer cause I was running late. I did see that she texted me saying that I have to resolve this issue. When I got home my mom didn’t even look at me and pretended I wasn’t even there. She was acting normal towards my dad and my sister went to the kitchen to get food and my mom acted normal and caring towards her. I don’t get why she is acting so nice to my sister but is giving me the cold shoulder.

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Posted at
See I would have snuck to see if they were doing anything and if they were I would have went and told my parents and had them catch them.Sorry but I wouldn’t be ok with my 12 year old brother seeing that and them putting him in that position.


Janet • Feb 5, 2019
He feels so uncomfortable around him. And the thing about her is that she doesn’t pay attention or talk to us unless it benefits her and she never wants to hang out with us unless she is with him. She’s always on the phone with him and now he works with both of us. And every time I come home he is here and I sick and tired of this shit and my parents know that he annoys the shit out of me but they don’t know why and they think I’m just being crazy.


Posted at
just reading this got me so mad I would have had to whoop both of their asses no way in hell am I gonna let that slide and you should tell your parents because that’s so inappropriate for your little brother to see his own sister getting eaten out who knows what else he’s seen 🤦‍♀️


Posted at
How old is your sister? I think if she is under the age of at least 16-17 then you should tell your parents. She could end up pregnant and then she would really be fucked. As for your little brother seeing that, you should be the one that keeps an eye on your sister instead. She might stop if she knows you are watching them and will tell your parents without being bribed out of it


Janet • Feb 5, 2019
She’s 17 and I didn’t even have to sneak to see what was happening. It out in the open. And I have had so many problems with him. If I didnt work and he was over then I would have to sit in the living room with them. I would see them cuddling with his hand on her ass and he would kiss her head a lot and I told him to stop. They got annoyed and said that they weren’t doing anything wrong and told them that it made me uncomfortable. He then would say that I’m overreacting and that I’m just mad cause I’m not getting any dick.


Posted at
I think you need to tell your parents. Your sister and her boyfriends actions are extremely gross and I feel so bad for your brother. I would absolutely tell my parents if I were in your shoes. They need to have a serious talk with her about having sex and the risks that come with it. If they won’t do it, you should but it should be up to the parents to inform their children about the potential consequences of having sex.


Aimee • Feb 5, 2019
My parents are like that too except. Asian but it’s the right thing to do


St • Feb 5, 2019
That’s a struggle for sure but I would still tell them. It’s really not fair to your little brother and she will continue to put him in an uncomfortable spot and manipulate him into not saying anything. :( I know what it’s like growing up in a traditional Mexican home but your parents need to know so they can take appropriate action in disciplining her. I don’t agree with the ass whooping at all but perhaps confide in your mom first?


Janet • Feb 5, 2019
But my dad is a very traditional Mexican dad. He would probably give her a really big a ass whopping especially since this isn’t the first time she disrespected them like this


Posted at
First of all, that’s horrible that your sister would put your brother in such a bad position. That’s seriously gross. How old is she? If it were my sister I’d have a serious conversation with her.


Ca • Feb 5, 2019
Yikes. Maybe have a conversation with your parents then, it seems like that’s the only way to get through to her.


Janet • Feb 5, 2019
That’s the thing with her. I can never have a conversation with her without her being on her phone. She never looks at me when I’m talking to her and says that I yell at her too much. I just know that she would try to pull the victim card on me


Posted at
I would tell your parents, because a 12 yr old has no business seeing something like that. It can cause some issues. But that being said your sister is 17 years old and clearly having sex, maybe lack of privacy or place to do it is leading her to desperate measures. Talk to her. If you make it into a fight or a huge deal she might just react like any 17 yr old and resent you for a long time. Good luck.


Janet • Feb 6, 2019
My parent try so hard to get her on the right track but she is always doing something stupid. She loses their trust so many times and then complains when she doesn’t have any freedom


Ella • Feb 6, 2019
If she’s that Shameless about it then do tell your parents their house their rules. You and your brother will be better for it.


Janet • Feb 6, 2019
My parents know that she has had sex but don’t know how and where. She told me that her first time was on our driveway at night


Posted at
Tell your parents what’s going on. This is disgusting and so inappropriate. I don’t think they should be allowed to be alone together at all.


Posted at
Tell your parents for the 12 year olds sake.


Posted at
Why are you angry at him when your sisters doing it?


lj 🤩 • Feb 6, 2019
You need to tell your parents


Janet • Feb 6, 2019
Cause he tries to make it seem like I’m always overreacting. He always teases me and says shit that pisses me off. Because of him, my parents tell me that I’m mean and I’m bitchy towards him and he acts like he is fucking innocent and the fact that he just comes in a disrespects my fucking family like that is aggravating. He thinks everyone loves him and that he should get respect cause he drives my sister every where and that he buys us shit that we didn’t even ask for


Posted at
How old is she ?


Janet • Feb 5, 2019