Is this what an easy baby feels like?


Today has been absolutely bizarre for me. My days normally feel like I’m in some weird war. Battling in the trenches. By the time I get out I’m covered in shit, my hairs all effed up, and I just pass out in defeat. Around here it’s usually groundhogs day. Just wake up to the same thing again. Today was sooo different though.

She’s been going down for all her naps today fairly easy! I mean, she took four naps today and each took minimal effort to put her down to sleep. Solid naps! 30 min, 2 hr, 45 min and then 3 hours! To top this perfect day, I woke her up from this glorious 3 hour nap to nurse her and I thought for sure but no! Took me 5 min to get her back down for what will hopefully the night. This has never happened for us. Ever!

Makes me wonder, what’s it like to have an easy baby? Do you follow the feed, activity, nap routine? I also wonder if it’s possible this is a turning point for my super fussy 10week baby? A mom can dream?