Cervical check symptoms?

Hello all! I am 37 + 3 weeks and had my first cervical check this morning (1cm dilated and 50% effaced). First, are these typical numbers/what do they mean? Second, since the check today I’ve been having some nasty diarrhea off and on and a teeny tiny bit of spotty discharge. Is this normal for anyone else? Thanks! -FTM

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Dilation: how wide the cervix is openEffacement: how thin the cervix isStation: where the top of baby’s head is in relation to the ischial spine (tailbone)The cervix looks a bit like a donut. When you are in labor, it does 2 things: dilate and efface (opens and thins). So think about taking that same little donut, squish it, and stretch it. As it thins and dilates, it moves out of the baby’s way so it can come out.


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I was 1 cm and 50% effaced right up until 40 weeks when I was induced. There’s really no “normal” numbers! You can be 34 weeks and be 4 cm dilated and have no change up until 40+ weeks! So yes I would say that is for sure normal. :)


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Everyone is different. I am 35 weeks 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. With my first I was dilated much at all, second I was 1.5cm dilated


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Not sure what the numbers mean but I opted for no checks with my first because the doctors weren't going to induce anyways. However, I had diarrhea twice with my daughter near her birthday. Once at school and once on the drive home. Then, just two hours before going into labor I had another episode.