Angry person

Is anyone out there really short tempered and just kind of an overall angry and snappy person ?

I've always been this way but now I'm pregnant and I'm worried I will be a bad mom because I don't have the patience for BS, unnecessary or repetitive noises, messes /unorganized and the less sleep I get the worse I AM. I've seen a counselor and that went no where because she insisted there was an underlying reason that I was just "not telling her"so I told her thank you for taking my money in return for no fucking help and walked out. I don't make friends easy , nor do I really want to because most people are so fucking fake or have ulterior motives. My family is a bunch of uppity yuppies and tbh they mean well but I wish they'd leave me alone . I don't even want to tell them I'm pregnant because then they'll be even worse.

Anyone else kind of an angry loner ? And how do you parent kids ? They're so damn sensitive.