Toddler bed help


Moved Will to a toddler bed over the weekend. Doing great falling asleep. He never had an issue with that. But now he’s waking up at 530am and not falling back to sleep. I admit I’ll lay on his couch to get him back to sleep but I don’t want to continue that. He usually wakes up between 630am and 730am.

Goes to bed at 730pm. Still naps daily and well at daycare. No issues there at all. We used to give him a pacifier if he got up early but we stopped about 4 weeks ago after his 2nd birthday and he did great with that until he launched himself out of his crib.

Tips? Tricks? Advice?

(Moving him into our room is not an option. He can’t get out of his door and he has plenty of toys and books to keep his little heart content in his room)