Same feeling? (TMI)

Okay, so weird question:

Do clitoral orgasms and strictly penetration orgasms feel the same? I’ve had plenty orgasms from clit play but never a penetration one so I have no clue what I’m looking for.

Husband and I had sex last night, I didn’t have a clitoral orgasm but during and after (for an hour or so) my legs felt like jello and they were uncontrollably shaking. Even after I had layed down and went to bed, looked like I was shivering but just my legs lol. He had kept hitting my G Spot and I squirted, (👈🏼sorry, there’s the tmi). It was all around amazing. Felt like muscle spasms or something in my thighs. Like, I had to be cautious walking because it felt like my legs were gonna give out 😂.

I’ve read they’re rare and most women can’t achieve one from strictly penetration. So, from the lucky women who have had one, does it sound like I had one to you?

Sorry I know this is weird I’m just curious