Mixed Signals?! Hookup/does he want more

Hey ladies, so I recently started seeing this guy, and everybody knows he sleeps around. He just got out of a 5 year serious relationship and he told me he’s not over his ex. We’ve had sex a couple times and the chemistry is amazing, and we’re drunk when it happens, but when it’s happening he tells me that he ‘doesn’t want me to be like the other girls’, and that he really likes me, and he’s even admired my body and said i’m beautiful even though I have stretch marks, that kind of thing. The last time we did it I was like ‘Are you sure you don’t have feelings for me?’ and he was like ‘Why do we gotta go there? Can we not talk about that?’. Like suggesting he does but he’s scared of being in a relationship again. He’s really sweet and he’s funny and we’re also friends and we have a great back and forth. We’re also really attracted to one another. I asked him after the first time that we hooked up what he wanted from this and he told me he didn’t want a relationship with me, and that he’s not in a point in his life where he feels like he can handle one. And I asked if he saw me as relationship material or if he was just saying that as a way to let me down easily, but he said that that was him just being honest and that he can’t even think about a relationship right now.

He treats me differently than the other girls, at least from what he’s told me.. he told me he doesn’t cuddle with girls and we’ve done that. He doesn’t text them back or even talk to them unless they’re hooking up and we talk and snapchat a good bit. He’s introduced me to his friends and he’s been really nice to me even though i’m pretty sure he knows I have feelings for him, even though he’s told me in the past that he gets rid of girls who are into him because he’s not ready... I feel like i’m at a crossroads. He’s like everything that I want, and he’s told me that i’m exactly his type (although to be fair, he has a couple types). He’s my type of guy and I love how he looks. He’s really sweet and he loves animals and he cares about the environment and he’s a hard worker and he has a really good sense of morals. He’s going to law school and he’s responsible and he has his own place. He’s funny and sarcastic and we get along well. He’ll show me girls that he’s hooked up with or made jokes about it but he’s told me he does it just to get my reaction or make me jealous. But then he asks me about my past relationships and makes jokes about it like HE’S jealous. There have been a couple times when he’s sober where he’s told me he doesn’t have feelings for me.. but then when he’s drunk he says a lot of different things. And he treats me differently. I don’t know what to do. I could stay in this and see if my feelings fade or I could tell him that I have feelings and see what he says.. I can’t decide if me staying and just appreciating what we have is a good idea or if it will just make things more messy. Part of me thinks that he does like me, he just really doesn’t want to be in a relationship right now or be hurt and maybe I should give him time, but then what if i’m blocking my true mr. right from coming in because of this situation? Please help ladies.. I appreciate any answer!