I’m so confused :(


My periods aren’t terribly irregular.

I always felt like the app prediction for my ovulation day and fertile window was accurate based on my CM. On the 16th-17th I had lots of EWCM... then the next week I had it again. I decided to try real ovulation tests this month (clearblue digital ovulation tests) I tested for ovulation daily while I was having the EWCM and it was negative every time. I had what appeared to be implantation bleeding, streaks of bright red blood for 1.5 days on the 25th. Missed my period of the 30th and had negative tests. Then I just got the same EWCM on 2/4 and tested out of curiosity, I was positive for ovulation, smiley face. So we BD again. At this point I was about 5 days late for my period, so I guess I ovulated late even though my precious CM told a different story. I am currently almost 8 days late for my period, no sign of AF and testing negative.

My question... can I still possibly be pregnant from all our previous BD/get pregnant from my BD on the 4th? I feel like I get that ovulation CM so frequently.

My periods for the last few months were

October 24-30

November 24-29

December 28-1/3

Nothing yet for January.