Milk supply - not producing enough - need help!


I need some advice, guidance, suggestions or just plain insight! What are some reasons your milk supply has lessened? Of course, my worst thought is that this lessening is going to force me to stop feeding my baby breast milk 😕 I wanted to nurse her til she turned one year, but it may not be in the cards! Some facts: I have a 6 1/2 month old daughter. She breast feeds when I'm home, then she's bottle fed (pumped) breast milk while my husband and I are at work. I nurse her first thing in the morning then at night before bed. The weekends I nurse her the whole time (no bottles). I pump three times a day while at work. Up until yesterday, I would pump for an average of 6 mins and get a total of 5-6oz which is enough for one full bottle! It's been so consistent, so when I started only pumping between 4-5oz in 8 mins I began to wonder if my supply was lessening! 😟 The only other thing to note is we just started her on fruits and veggies puree on Sunday! Could that be affecting it? We didn't give the puree in place of the bottle of course! I've always heard that you typically produce as much as she taking while nursing. Supply and demand in a sense! I'm just concerned that she won't get enough to eat!

So, has this happened to you? Could it just be a fluke? What would you suggest? How did you know your supply was not going to meet your LO's demands? TIA! 🥰