Husband and his work

Aubrey • 26, married 06/2013, 1st babe born 9/17/2017 💜, 2nd babe born 4/20/2020 💜

My husband loves his job and I’m so happy he does because he’s had some jobs he really hates. However, he will NEVER take time away from work. He leaves home at 445am every day because he works 50 miles away and sometimes he doesn’t get home until 6. 5 days a week. He has over a month of vacation days built up but won’t use them. Our toddler was sick a month ago but he wouldn’t take off when she had to stay home another day from school (I have to stay with her and miss work). Then today we had a terrible ice storm with schools and businesses closed from here to the town he works in due to hazardous road conditions and he chooses to drive to work on it. It’s just really rubbing me the wrong way. Work always comes first to him and I feel like family is second on his priority list. It really pissed me off when he wouldn’t stay home with our daughter. Am I right to be upset? I totally get having to go to work but we can afford for him to take a vacation day/day I don’t understand?