Dry swallowed zoloft! Pain in chest

Hippie mumma 🍃

I've been really forgetful taking my Zoloft this week and I realised as I was leaving the house. I was already late again so I grabbed it and dry swallowed it which I swear I've done before! Definitely with other pills anyway.

About half hour later I started to feel a bit sick and it just kept getting worse. I have never had heartburn before but its what I imagine it to be like. It was so intense I was in a public toilet waiting to throw up because I felt soooo ill with my son on my coat on the floor as I'm babywearing.

I missed lunch cos my son was being difficult (although I felt ok and it's only 2.30pm) so I can't be sick because there isn't anything in me.

I keep burping and have a lot of saliva I have to keep spitting out (sorry tmi). I ate some rice when I got home and have taken an antiacid, drank more water but I feel like the tablet is still in my chest. I'm now laying down with my son while he naps and some of the intensity has passed (it's 2 hours since taking the pill) but I still feel sick, have a burning feeling - particularly one spot that makes me feel like it could be the pill.

Has this happened to anyone before? Is it something that will pass on its own?

I'm in the UK so don't want to go to the hospital if I don't need to as A&E can be a 3 hour long wait and Im breastfeeding a 7 month old.