I just need answers... 😭

I feel so lost... I have read tons of articles and books. I do BBT charts and really understand how to read it. Check CM and OPks each cycle, even doing progesterone tests this time. Every thing looks fine right on track. But each cycle, I get even more confused and takes a toll on me.

After I ovulate, I get extremely tired to the point of having to take naps even if I slept very well. I get so emotional, crying for small things. My appetite increases a lot. I feel bloated and have nausea somedays. Normally, you would think « Well probably pregnant. » The problem is I feel that way EVERY SINGLE MONTH. With absolutely no BFP in sight. Maybe you think « Well maybe its your ovulation symptoms then. » That would be new, since I never had that before starting TTC. I never had theses symptoms in 12 years. And each month, it looks like it starts earlier, leaving me so confused and heartbroken that I’m still not pregnant.

Today, I’m just 4DPO and feel like complete crap, just as if AF was about to start. It’s too hard. I don’t understand what is going on with my own body. I just need answers... 😥