Some days I just want to stop pumping

I exclusively pump and it’s been over 6 months now. Sometimes I wish I could get myself to stop just because I still pump at night and have not gotten a good nights rest since before I gave birth... plus it’s just tons of work. It’s especially harder since going back to work a couple weeks ago to keep up with my pumping... lugging my huge bag around and fighting over other moms in the hospital for the lactation room.

I guess part of it also is that now that I’m away from my baby, giving her my breastmilk is my only “connection” with her, but I’ve definitely put taking care of myself on the backburner for her. I’ve cut down on the frequency of pumping but I’m just afraid if I stop, I’ll regret it and you all know it’s extremely hard to try to build it back up. Each day I keep thinking, I’ve come this far, what’s one more day.

Any input or advice is greatly appreciated.

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Posted at
I can empathize with you. Pumping is extremely exhausting. So much work. Washing/ sanitizing the parts all time. 😫😴 I did it for 2.5 months cause my son wouldn't latch. I was almost about to quit and switch to formula. The exhaustion was unbearable. Then my son latched to my surprise. ❤️


Posted at
I hear you!! It is draining. Have you thought about getting a Willow? I bought one a couple months ago and underestimated how convenient it would be to use at work. It literally takes 10 seconds to put each side on, and I usually don't need to take off my clothes (I just avoid wearing dresses unless they're wrap style). I also ordered two sets of extra flanges and tubes, which makes it super easy each night to run one set through the dishwasher and prep the other sets to pop on the next day. I know they're expensive, but I haven't regretted buying them one second, and you can use FSA $$ to buy the pump, extra equipment, and bags.


Na • Feb 8, 2019
Oh! And they fit in a tiny little bag, which means they're super easy to cart around and use, even in the car.


Posted at
Oh gosh. This hits home for me. I am so stubborn and bullheaded that I refuse to stop, even though my pediatrician told me at 6 months to begin supplementing I started waking around the clock to pump while my son wasn't breastfeeding.It's so exhausting! Washing everything constantly, working and pumping and worrying you're gonna take too long during a session, even though YOU know they HAVE to give you the time you need. It's just all so stressful, constantly counting ounces, worrying if your baby is getting enough, then not getting any sleep on top of all of it..I'm sorry. It's hard work. And it takes dedication. Especially full time exclusively pumping! You're superwoman! My advice is to relax as much as possible, if your baby is gaining steadily you are doing a wonderful job.


Audi • Feb 8, 2019
Yes I am! Constantly. I ended up getting strep throat which lowered my supply so I have to pump regularly to keep up with my son while I'm at work. Hoping it increases back up again soon!


Nicole • Feb 8, 2019
Are you still pumping??


Posted at
I'm pumping right now and dead ass tired while doing so... I do 4 hour stretches except at night where I go 6 hours without pumping. Are you able to stretch out the time between your pumps? I'm not even an exclusive pumper, but my son doesn't empty me so I still pump 7 days a week every 4-6 hours regardless of our schedule 😵 It's exhausting and time consuming- I can't even drive without pumping most days! I miss sleep... But I just tell myself I'm half way there and that I'm saving a crap ton of money by giving my son breast milk. Hang in there, Mama!