Tension headaches

Rachel • Married to my better half, Mommy to a beautiful baby boy born 11/17/16, baby in Heaven MC 12/12/18, Baby girl Born 10/21/19.

I’m so happy to finally be back on here after my miscarriage in December of last year. But I’m not so excited about this tension headache I’ve had for the last couple days. Nothing seems to work for it. I am going to call my doctor when they open, but I thought I’d come here and ask too.

I have a two year old so it’s been a while since I was pregnant with tension headaches (never got them when I had my miscarriage), so I don’t remember if I had them or what helped the most. I’ve taken Tylenol (I remember that my doc said that was ok), and I’ve used peppermint oil (which helped loads for nausea my first pregnant).

Do you ladies have any advice or any tips on how to deal? It’s so bad right now.