Hormonal and PH imbalance after miscarriage??

After my miscarriage last January my PH has been thrown off real bad i have continuous BV and yeast even after medication. I haven’t had a break besides a couple of days between each cycle 😕

Aside from that I guess my hormones are imbalanced as well because my hair has been very thin and falling and my scalp is getting super oily, I have random skin rashes everywhere, bloated all the time, I have no sex drive at all. I just don’t feel like myself anymore physically! My body has changed so much since that miscarriage and my periods are very light I barely bleed a full pad I don’t even think it’s normal to spot instead of having an actual flow..

I just want to know if anyone has gone through this? Is it necessary for me to go to the doctor or should I just take vitamins for this?