I think he’s using me😭😭 I don’t know weather to leave 😭 a desperation for help me

So I’ve been talking to this guy for a month and I think I’m a rebound. 😭 so he has his ex’s number in his phone and they call each other and text. For example he sent her a birthday message on her birthday and still keeps in contact even though they broke up 6 months ago and neither of them have moved on since.

A couple of weeks ago his ex and I got into contact by accident and started talking casually. (I didn’t know that was his ex because he didn’t tell me until afterwards). Anyways, she called me and for an entire 2 hour conversation she bragged about their past relationship and talked about how they their relationship was perfect as they barely had issues and how they’re relationship was “the shit”. And if it wasn’t for the fact her best friend and boyfriend didn’t like one another and had problems then she was forced to chose between them, they would of still been together. And talking about their future plans and just everything GOOD in their relationship. She was really trying to scare me off. In that call she also mentioned how they call never get into contact because what they had was “something deep” and they couldn’t just be friends ever again because it was either they stay away from each other or they’re together. She also stated she’d never reach out to him and try and fix things because it was over and ex’s are ex’s for a reason. So I trusted she was over him. Plus she thought there was now hatred within their relationship. She hinted in the conversation that she wanted me to ask him if he hated her or something as they never talked about why they broke up and just went their seperate ways therefore there is many unanswered questions. Right after our conversation ends she texts him and says “do you hate me or think I hate you? 🤣”. She tried to reach out to him even though she told me she was never going to as it was over and they didn’t need to talk again and sort what happened out.

I think he still likes her too. One night he asked me to be his girlfriend even though we’ve never met and I don’t know what he looks like in person. I obviously laughed as I thought it was a joke. He acted all depressed but in my defence it’s only been a month and we don’t know each other deep enough. He hang up to go clear his head. When he called me again he kept asking me “are you gonna go to sleep now” “aren’t you sleepy” and kind of just hinting he wanted me to go to sleep”. I fell asleep on the phone for 12 minutes unknowingly. In those 12 minutes he called his ex-girlfriend and talked to her.

When I realised I had fell sleep I called him so I could sleep on the phone with him as I always do. As I was half asleep I didn’t realise that she had called me two times, straight after he called her to tell me. I don’t know if she called me to tell me out of good intentions or not. To either brag that he called her or to notify me like a good women should, which I doubt because she still wants him back. Last night we were on the phone and I told him I’d call him back because I needed to do something. As soon as I hang up he called his ex and I found out as she picked up my call and not his. He ended up telling me but I was shocked. His excuse was he got a missed call from her but at first he tried say he was calling his homeboy. And he always puts his phone on private to call her. But when I asked him why his phone was on private yesterday he kept saying because he was calling his homeboys but messed up his story as he then proceeded to say they called him to ask if he wanted to go to a party. Do you guys thinks a man that is trying to move on should keep into contact with his ex? They were dating for 1 year but broke up once for 3 months and got back together. He once described her as “perfect, and seemed to good to be true” but did him dirty as she apparently cheated by kissing one of her guy friends while drunk. (They have two different perspectives on why they broke up but both don’t know that and I’m scared once they realise the truth they’ll rekindle feelings). In every conversation we have we have talk about her or he asks me if me and her have talked to today. He always says that me and her are completely alike and have a lot in common. Today I asked him “do you think after guys break up with the girl of their dreams they tend to date anyone that’s available at the time?”. Because that’s what I felt he was doing. I also asked him if his ex was the girl of his dreams and seem perfect time whilst they were dating and he said yes but he wouldn’t want to date someone whose similar to her because she broke his heart and wants his next girl to be the total opposite or different to her but he says I’m the exact same as her as we have so much in common. So I figured he’s talking to me to make her jealous for breaking his heart and replicate her. They were also each other’s first love and were deeply committed. He also tries to make me be more like her. For example, she works full time, studies and is a model(I aspire to be one too). He told me I should get a job and start being more productive because he thinks it’s sexy when a girls independent and always calls me LAZY. I mean that something I’ve been planning to do but my mental health is really bad right now and I just graduated high school and still trying to get my life together. (Plus she’s like a year older than me). I asked him if I’m a rebound and he assured me I’m not but my hearts and mind are telling me I am. 1)As I’m not the girl of his dreams, she was. 2) she broke up with him so he was heart broken 3) he still keeps in contact with her and answers/returns her every call/message 4) he hasn’t dated anyone else since 5) we always talk about her/their past 6)he says were very alike so he probably trying to replicate her and try’s to furious their future plans like kids, marriage ect. With me. 7) the only reason she wasn’t the girl of his dreams is because she broke his heart. DO YOU GUYS THINK IM A REBOUND even though it’s been 6 months although he hasn’t moved on and keeps in contact with the girl that was his dream girl but broke his heat?