Enabling Grandparents

I’m frustrated w my grandparents and idk how to handle it. My dad is an alcoholic and has no intentions of getting better. He treats the whole family like shit and it’s SO obvious, even to them, but yet they still take his side and baby him.

My dad is 40 but they came over to clean out the garage bc they got sick of seeing bottles all over. But the BEST part is that not only do they basically kiss his ass, they also try to get involved in stuff that’s clearly not their place.

For example, all 5 of us have anxiety, my older brother (18) and younger sister (9) have it really bad when it comes to school. My brother dropped out once he hit 18 and we’re working on helping my sister. Well the day they came over, my sister had anxiety so bad she threw up so she was home. My grandparents and brother all sat there and were basically putting her down bc she didn’t go to school, so I stepped in and told my brother to knock it off bc he had the same problems and dropped out. Bc to have 3 adults bully a 9 year old is ridiculous. They stepped in and told me to “mind my business” is

They’re always making sure that my siblings and I clean the house, even tho they know my dad doesn’t do a damn thing. And if they’re not asking that, they’re asking me if I’m “knocked up” (I’m 17) or if I give my parents money for things to help. (Little do they know, I gave them $500 when my dad got a car repossessed 🙄)

The other day, they claim they came 45 mins all for “a dust pan”, but didn’t waste anytime in asking if my dad was drinking, telling my oldest brother (20) that he shouldn’t be spending so much money, reminding me to use condoms (I appreciate it but they do it EVERY TIME I see them), telling me that I would probably be “popping out babies” one day.

I’m trying to be nice to them, but they really overstep their boundaries and it makes me wanna day something. What should I do?