A letter to my angel on your due date

Dear baby Avery,

It’s been 7 months since we lost you and I still miss you terribly. We will never know if you were a boy or a girl, what color your eyes would have been, or if you would look more like me or your daddy. There is so much that we will never know and will always wonder about you. We don’t know why you had to leave us, only that you did and left a hole in our hearts that will never be filled.

I wish there was something I could have done to protect you, to save you, to make it so you would be here. Today would have been your due date, the day we were looking forward to even since the day we saw those two little pink lines. But for whatever reason, you were chosen to go be among the angels. I know that our loved ones who have also passed are there with you, loving you, and holding you close since we weren’t able to. I know you are looking over myself, Chris, Evelyn, and your new baby brother or sister. We couldn’t wish for a more beautiful guardian angel to keep watch over us.

I can’t wait for spring to finally bloom so that we can plant a beautiful rose bush in your memory.

We love and miss you with all our hearts. Thank you for choosing us to be your parents even if only for a short while.